Free porn Slaves gets training before they are on sale. Starring: Blanche online

The two enslaved women first mission is to show how they sucking dick.The guy, who had captured them push down them on they knees one by one and ask them to demonstrate how the would sucking dick.He has a dirty plan, later he wants to sale them like trained sex slave.So he wants to know what kind of cock suckers they are.The girls are trying to do they best like swallow the dick on the throat, give nice deep blowjobs, worshiping his dick, but he never satisfied enough.He separates them, to have much harder slave training.After the detention guy separated, the two victims, he starts to train the blonde beauty Blanche.He closed her in stock lock and spanks her gorgeous ass with a flog until the round butt is turning red.She screams aloud and sufferings a lot.The spanking demonstration works well, she gives nice submissive and sloppy oral service, sucks the hard cock good.Then he fucks her cruelly and roughly from behind, she screams and feels herself humiliated and tormented.
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